Player API Updates and Improvements

Player API Updates and Improvements

Data-Driven Decision Making Made Easy

Primis is incorporating API capabilities into its already innovative Video Discovery Unit. These added features will enable publishers to get to know their users better, thereby creating a more efficient and monetizable processes. It will also improve user experience for visitors who engage with Primis partner sites, articles, and video content.

What is a Video API?

An API is a set of requirements that govern how one application can communicate and interact with another. The Video API is a tool for developers to interact with the player directly through code, get event notifications and even control the player. 

To put it in terms that we can all understand, let’s take Lego for example. Lego bricks have a universal way of connecting to each other via small bumps and holes, which can be considered an API. This provides a simple and structured way to allow pieces to be built together in different ways. 

In the same vein, a site and a video player can connect through API to create new and interesting mashups and data sharing.



How the Primis Video Player API Works

In order for Player API to work, the site developer should write a few lines of code that will identify the player on the page and register the desired events. In that moment, the publisher can choose which events are most important to know about, such as clicks, impressions, ad engagements, volume toggles, and more. You can find more details and explanations in our official Primis Video Discovery Player API guide

From that moment, when a user is identified as having watched a video, an ad or having engaged with the player, the player will send a notification about these events. 

These events are occurring through code, so the publisher or site developer should use these notification in their own way. They can send the event with the relevant data to their servers and store it in their database. This data will become a valuable asset that the publisher can utilize in many ways.

It’s worth noting that we are planning to add extensive, valuable data to the events soon. This can include discovering which video was watched, for how long, and other related events. 
Our goal is to give our partners and customers the best video experience, and the player API is an important step towards that goal. This will help publishers get more familiar with their users and how they engage within their site.

Eyal Betzalel

Co-CEO, Primis

How Can Publishers Use Primis Player API Data?

As said before, publishers can use Primis Video Player API capabilities to track a user’s journey in real time, and even combine that information with existing data on that specific user. But how exactly does that benefit the publisher?

Here are a few examples of how publishers can make data-driven decisions through the use of our Player API or by integrating it with other data they have:

  • Give readers the content they want - If a user watched or interacted with a specific video, a publisher can automate a process that would recommend them an article to read about that same topic. This action can improve time on page, pages per visit, article engagement, and promote a better overall user experience.

  • Know the exact ROI of each user - Publishers can know in real time how much they earned from a specific ad impression. They can understand the exact ROI of every user interaction, and overall of the user.

  • Target users better - If a user converted and engaged with a video, then it may be a great opportunity for targeting. A publisher can identify characteristics of engaged users, in order to improve paid targeting and allocating budget to attract users that are most likely to engage.

There’s More to Come

With the feedback from our partners like you, we will be able to continue to improve the feature and make it even more useful.

If you’re already a Primis partner, then make sure to check out this guide.